431 research outputs found

    Structure retrieval in liquid-phase electron scattering

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    Electron scattering on liquid samples has been enabled recently by the development of ultrathin liquid sheet technologies. The data treatment of liquid-phase electron scattering has been mostly reliant on methodologies developed for gas electron diffraction, in which theoretical inputs and empirical fittings are often needed to account for the atomic form factor and remove the inelastic scattering background. The accuracy and impact of these theoretical and empirical inputs has not been benchmarked for liquid-phase electron scattering data. In this work, we present an alternative data treatment method that requires neither theoretical inputs nor empirical fittings. The merits of this new method are illustrated through the retrieval of real-space molecular structure from experimental electron scattering patterns of liquid water, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, and dichloromethane

    Structure retrieval in liquid-phase electron scattering

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    Electron scattering on liquid samples has been enabled recently by the development of ultrathin liquid sheet technologies. The data treatment of liquid-phase electron scattering has been mostly reliant on methodologies developed for gas electron diffraction, in which theoretical inputs and empirical fittings are often needed to account for the atomic form factor and remove the inelastic scattering background. In this work, we present an alternative data treatment method that is able to retrieve the radial distribution of all the charged particle pairs without the need of either theoretical inputs or empirical fittings. The merits of this new method are illustrated through the retrieval of real-space molecular structure from experimental electron scattering patterns of liquid water, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, and dichloromethane. Shown here is the arXiv version

    SecNDP: Secure Near-Data Processing with Untrusted Memory

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    Today\u27s data-intensive applications increasingly suffer from significant performance bottlenecks due to the limited memory bandwidth of the classical von Neumann architecture. Near-Data Processing (NDP) has been proposed to perform computation near memory or data storage to reduce data movement for improving performance and energy consumption. However, the untrusted NDP processing units (PUs) bring in new threats to workloads that are private and sensitive, such as private database queries and private machine learning inferences. Meanwhile, most existing secure hardware designs do not consider off-chip components trustworthy. Once data leaving the processor, they must be protected, e.g., via block cipher encryption. Unfortunately, current encryption schemes do not support computation over encrypted data stored in memory or storage, hindering the adoption of NDP techniques for sensitive workloads. In this paper, we propose SecNDP, a lightweight encryption and verification scheme for untrusted NDP devices to perform computation over ciphertext and verify the correctness of linear operations. Our encryption scheme leverages arithmetic secret sharing in secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) to support operations over ciphertext, and uses counter-mode encryption to reduce the decryption latency. The security of the scheme is formally proven. Compared with a non-NDP baseline, secure computation with SecNDP significantly reduces the memory bandwidth usage while providing security guarantees. We evaluate SecNDP for two workloads of distinct memory access patterns. In the setting of eight NDP units, we show a speedup up to 7.46x and energy savings of 18% over an unprotected non-NDP baseline, approaching the performance gain attained by native NDP without protection.Furthermore, SecNDP does not require any security assumption on NDP to hold, thus, using the same threat model as existing secure processors. SecNDP can be implemented without changing the NDP protocols and their inherent hardware design

    Software-Hardware Co-design for Fast and Scalable Training of Deep Learning Recommendation Models

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    Deep learning recommendation models (DLRMs) are used across many business-critical services at Facebook and are the single largest AI application in terms of infrastructure demand in its data-centers. In this paper we discuss the SW/HW co-designed solution for high-performance distributed training of large-scale DLRMs. We introduce a high-performance scalable software stack based on PyTorch and pair it with the new evolution of Zion platform, namely ZionEX. We demonstrate the capability to train very large DLRMs with up to 12 Trillion parameters and show that we can attain 40X speedup in terms of time to solution over previous systems. We achieve this by (i) designing the ZionEX platform with dedicated scale-out network, provisioned with high bandwidth, optimal topology and efficient transport (ii) implementing an optimized PyTorch-based training stack supporting both model and data parallelism (iii) developing sharding algorithms capable of hierarchical partitioning of the embedding tables along row, column dimensions and load balancing them across multiple workers; (iv) adding high-performance core operators while retaining flexibility to support optimizers with fully deterministic updates (v) leveraging reduced precision communications, multi-level memory hierarchy (HBM+DDR+SSD) and pipelining. Furthermore, we develop and briefly comment on distributed data ingestion and other supporting services that are required for the robust and efficient end-to-end training in production environments

    Genetic structure and insecticide resistance characteristics of fall armyworm populations invading China

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    The rapid wide‐scale spread of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda ) has caused serious crop losses globally. However, differences in the genetic background of subpopulations and the mechanisms of rapid adaptation behind the invasion are still not well understood. Here we report the assembly of a 390.38Mb chromosome‐level genome of fall armyworm derived from south‐central Africa using Pacific Bioscience (PacBio) and Hi‐C sequencing technologies, with scaffold N50 of 12.9 Mb and containing 22260 annotated protein‐coding genes. Genome‐wide resequencing of 103 samples and strain identification were conducted to reveal the genetic background of fall armyworm populations in China. Analysis of genes related to pesticide‐ and Bt‐resistance showed that the risk of fall armyworm developing resistance to conventional pesticides is very high. Laboratory bioassay results showed that insects invading China carry resistance to organophosphate and pyrethroid pesticides, but are sensitive to genetically modified maize expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin Cry1Ab in field experiments. Additionally, two mitochondrial fragments were found to be inserted into the nuclear genome, with the insertion event occurring after the differentiation of the two strains. This study represents a valuable advance toward improving management strategies for fall armyworm

    The role of functional uniqueness and spatial aggregation in explaining rarity in trees

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    Aim: Determining the drivers of species rarity is fundamental for understanding and conserving biodiversity. Rarity of a given species within its community may arise due to exclusion by other ecologically similar species. Conversely, rare species may occupy habitats that are rare in the landscape or they may be ill-suited to all available habitats. The first mechanism would lead to common and rare species occupying similar ecological space defined by functional traits. The second mechanism would result in common and rare species occupying dissimilar ecological space and spatial aggregation of rare species, either because they are specialists in rare habitats or because rare species tend to be dispersal limited. Here, we quantified the contribution of locally rare species to community functional richness and the spatial aggregation of species across tree communities world-wide to address these hypotheses. Location: Asia and the Americas. Time period: 2002 to 2012 (period that considers the censuses for the plots used). Major taxa studied: Angiosperm and Gymnosperm trees. Methods: We compiled a dataset of functional traits from all the species present in eight tree plots around the world to evaluate the contribution of locally rare species to tree community functional richness using multi- and univariate approaches. We also quantified the spatial aggregation of individuals within species at several spatial scales as it relates to abundance. Results: Locally rare tree species in temperate and tropical forests tended to be functionally unique and are consistently spatially clustered. Furthermore, there is no evidence that this pattern is driven by pioneer species being locally rare. Main conclusions: This evidence shows that locally rare tree species disproportionately contribute to community functional richness, and we can therefore reject the hypothesis that locally rare species are suppressed by ecologically similar, but numerically dominant, species. Rather, locally rare species are likely to be specialists on spatially rare habitats or they may be ill-suited to the locally available environments

    Trans-ethnic Mendelian-randomization study reveals causal relationships between cardiometabolic factors and chronic kidney disease.

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    Funder: Government Department of BusinessFunder: Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)Funder: Vice-Chancellor Fellowship from the University of BristolFunder: Shanghai Thousand Talents ProgramFunder: Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) Springboard AwardFunder: BBSRC Innovation fellowshipFunder: NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and the University of BristolBACKGROUND: This study was to systematically test whether previously reported risk factors for chronic kidney disease (CKD) are causally related to CKD in European and East Asian ancestries using Mendelian randomization. METHODS: A total of 45 risk factors with genetic data in European ancestry and 17 risk factors in East Asian participants were identified as exposures from PubMed. We defined the CKD by clinical diagnosis or by estimated glomerular filtration rate of 25 kg/m2. CONCLUSIONS: Eight cardiometabolic risk factors showed causal effects on CKD in Europeans and three of them showed causality in East Asians, providing insights into the design of future interventions to reduce the burden of CKD.This research has been conducted using the UK Biobank resource under Application Numbers ‘40135’ and ‘15825’. J.Z. is funded by a Vice-Chancellor Fellowship from the University of Bristol. This research was also funded by the UK Medical Research Council Integrative Epidemiology Unit [MC_UU_00011/1, MC_UU_00011/4 and MC_UU_00011/7]. J.Z. is supported by the Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) Springboard Award, the Wellcome Trust, the Government Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK [SBF006\1117]. This study was funded/supported by the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Bristol (G.D.S., T.R.G. and R.E.W.). This study received funding from the UK Medical Research Council [MR/R013942/1]. J.Z., Y.M.Z. and T.R.G are funded by a BBSRC Innovation fellowship. J.Z. is supported by the Shanghai Thousand Talents Program. Y.M.Z. is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [81800636]. H.Z. is supported by the Training Program of the Major Research Plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China [91642120], a grant from the Science and Technology Project of Beijing, China [D18110700010000] and the University of Michigan Health System–Peking University Health Science Center Joint Institute for Translational and Clinical Research [BMU2017JI007]. N.F. is supported by the National Institutes of Health awards R01-MD012765, R01-DK117445 and R21-HL140385. R.C. is funded by a Wellcome Trust GW4 Clinical Academic Training Fellowship [WT 212557/Z/18/Z]. The Trøndelag Health Study (the HUNT Study) is a collaboration between HUNT Research Centre (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Trøndelag County Council, Central Norway Regional Health Authority and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. M.C.B. is supported by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) Skills Development Fellowship [MR/P014054/1]. S.F. is supported by a Wellcome Trust PhD studentship [WT108902/Z/15/Z]. Q.Y. is funded by a China Scholarship Council PhD scholarship [CSC201808060273]. Y.C. was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China [2016YFC0900500, 2016YFC0900501 and 2016YFC0900504]. The China Kadoorie Biobank baseline survey and the first resurvey were supported by a grant from the Kadoorie Charitable Foundation in Hong Kong. The long-term follow-up is supported by grants from the UK Wellcome Trust [202922/Z/16/Z, 088158/Z/09/Z and 104085/Z/14/Z]. Japan-Kidney-Biobank was supported by AMED under Grant Number 20km0405210. P.C.H. is supported by Cancer Research UK [grant number: C18281/A19169]. A.K. was supported by DFG KO 3598/5–1. N.F. is supported by NIH awards R01-DK117445, R01-MD012765 and R21-HL140385. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the National Institute for Health Research or the Department of Health

    Вихретоковый анизотропный термоэлектрический первичный преобразователь лучистого потока

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    Представлена оригинальная конструкция первичного преобразователя лучистого потока, который может служить основой для создания приемника неселективного излучения с повышенной чувствительностью